Moto G24 Power was launched in India on Tuesday (January 30) as the latest budget smartphone from the Lenovo-owned brand. The new Moto G-series phone runs on the MediaTek Helio G85 SoC that’s paired with up to 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. It features a hole-punch display with 90Hz dynamic refresh rate and boasts an IP52 water-repellent design. It has an acrylic glass build and sports a dual rear camera unit headlined by a 50-megapixel main sensor. The Moto G24 Power is backed by a 6,000mAh battery with 33W fast charging support.
Dual Camera
Fast Charging
Motorola G24 Power (Glacier Blue, 8GB RAM, 128GB Storage)
Categories: Electronics, Mobiles & Accessories, Smartphones, Smartphones & Basic Mobiles
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